Our Classroom, Our World!

Learning Area Outcomes -English

The Lesson Plans have been written to improve students Literacy skills focusing in particular on these outcomes.

All information from the Curriculum Framework Progress Maps, Curriculum Council of WA.



The student:

R 1.2 Makes connections between own knowledge and experience, and the ideas, events and information in texts read aloud.

R 1.4 Recognises and uses cues to predict and construct meaning in texts.

R 2.1 Constructs and responds to meanings from written texts with familiar vocabulary, predictable structures and frequent illustrations.

R 3.3 Identifies and uses the language structures and conventions characteristic of a range of text types to make meaning.


The student:

W 1.2 Recognises that writing is used by people to convey meaning to others.

W 2.1 Writes simple and imaginative and informative texts that include some related ideas about familiar topics.

W 2.4 Demonstrates an awareness of processes and strategies for planning and reviewing own writing.


The student:

V 1.1 Retells meaning and makes simple interpretations from visual texts.

V 1.4 Recognises and uses cues, including background knowledge to predict and make meaning from visual texts.

V 2.2 Understands that visual texts are constructed by people to represent real and imaginary experiences and identifies simple symbolic meanings.

V 3.4 Identifies and uses the codes and conventions characteristic of a range of text types to construct meaning.