Our Classroom, Our World!
Well done to all our students on a successful Skype Session. Although it took us longer than anticipated to get going I was super impressed with patience and interest you all showed in the activity. We are so lucky to have such great technology available to us and I felt very proud to hear all the positive feedback from Mary MacKillop Primary School about our slideshow presentation. If there are any parents who haven't yet seen it please feel free to download the show and share it with your children.

Wow! What a great day we had in class today!  The lesson today focused on stories writing and I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that we have a classroom full of budding authors! Using their knowledge from Lesson 1 and 2 the students were required to write an interactive postcard pretending to be one of the main characters from our book. The results were fantastic and have been displayed on our back wall. I encourage all parents to come in and view them this week.

Visit this link to create more postcards

Today our lesson focused on Australian storytelling. We read the book "Are We There Yet?' by Alison Lester while the students took turns to complete an activity on the SMART Board. The lesson was very fun and engaging for the students, they loved tracking the journey of the family on the map and discussing and debating over which image was most appropriate for it's location. I highly recommend the book for all households. It's wonderful for the students to read about familiar locations and experiences.

We took a screen shot of our finished SMART Board artwork to share on this site.
Well done to Alyssa and Maya on their fantastic interview with our Principal Mr Smith. Mr Smith commented that they were amazing reporters and very professional!  Five house points to the first person who can tell me who the famous politician is!

The girls produced a great poster which will be displayed around the classroom. Well done Alyssa and Maya!

Today as part of our 'Our School' lessons the students were divided into 3 groups to partake in a fun activity. There was much excitement as they deliberated between being reporters, photographers or artists!

While being fun for the students this lesson will improve their literacy skills as they are required to comment on and discuss and debate their results.

The students produced some great images and audio files which we will use to construct finished artworks to display around our classroom. Myself and our EA Mrs Robson were very impressed with the high level of care that the children displayed when using our digital cameras and note takers, wonderful work everyone! 

Welcome students, parents and friends to my blog.

I will endeavor to update this regularly with the exciting day to day life of our classroom. Stay tuned...